Cluster Removal Parameters

Over-milking and under-milking are largely influenced by the Automatic Cluster Removal (ACR) parameters, which are set in AfiControl and control the functioning of the milking equipment.

Proper setting of the ACR makes an important contribution to udder health, since it optimizes the cows’ milking time (lowering individual cow AMT).

Note: Only qualified Afimilk technician, or an milking expert (extension services) should set or adjust ACR parameters.

Warning: Drastic changes in take-off settings can cause serious udder health problems. In general, changes in ACR settings should be made gradually.

The main three parameters that are used for determining removal of the cluster are:

  • Pre-milk Time or F1- Determines the minimum time the cluster is attached. The value, set at F1, is a tenth of the real time in seconds. For example: 18 will stand for 180 sec. This parameter prevents premature cluster removals from cows with slow milk let-down. Afimilk’s recommendation is: 120 – 180 sec.

  • CR delay or F2 - Determines the milk flow rate at which milking will stop. When the flow rate of milk decreases, the milk meter is emptied at larger intervals. When the milk meter is not emptied within the time specified in F2, the cluster is removed. For example: setting 30 sec equals to cluster removal when the milk flow rate is 0.400 Kg/min (or 0.880 lb/min); setting 24 sec equals to cluster removal when the milk flow rate is 0.500 Kg/min (or 1.060 lb/min). On request, the user may receive the table that details the correspondence between time and milk flow. Afimilk’s recommendation is 18 – 22 sec but the value should be adapted to each particular case.

  • Second Attachment Pre-milk Time or F5 - When a cluster is reattached, this parameter determines the minimum amount of time that it will be attached. As for F1, each digit represents 10 seconds. The default value is 6 – meaning, 60 seconds.